In my Intro to Ministry course, we discussed the different types of theologies behind missionary work. Essentially, there are three broad categories: Missions as Evangelism, Missions as Liberation, and Missions as Social Change. (I'm being quite broad here as I have larger questions on my mind than definitions.)
Perhaps these mission categories could be described as speaking to, for or with the targeted group. As in, we are speaking to the people about faith in Christ, we are speaking for them on issues of economic or social justice, or we are speaking with them about local issues and how redemption comes in a local setting.
I've been praying and discerning over the weekend this question: How will I be involved in the community(ies) here in Marin near the seminary? Will I coach? Will I do YoungLife? Will I do street ministry? Studying just doesn't seem to be enough - I feel the need for an outlet for my thoughts in way of simple action. Yet I do not want to rush into things, as I'm proned to do, and find myself in over my head.
My deepest desire is to speak from my heart, from where I come from (in thinking about community from my previous post, Community Organizing). Yet I'm still trying to discern where I come from... and from there, hopefully where I am and where I am going. It is hard for me to be patient, to not do anything "of use" like reading and studying, yet perhaps that is where I'm called at this point: to focus on my studies and listen to the Spirit calling in my life.
May have the patience to listen, the awareness to hear and the wisdom to discern.
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