Friday, September 28, 2007

Sufi Iftar Dinner

Tonight a group of us joined a Sufi group to share in their Iftar dinner. The Iftar dinner is simply the meal after sunset to break the fast during Ramadan. The people were extremely nice and welcoming, and the food was stupendous - reminded me a lot of Meditarranean food, particularly Lebanese.

Sitting down (on the floor) to eat: Myself, Luke, Alison and Barb.

The Sufis are described as the Mystical Muslims.

This was their holy place. Each time they entered or exited, they bowed towards the center of the room.

A local Imam visited the Sufi center to join us for the dinner.
I thought this was classic, with him receiving a DHL letter, and yes, that's a Macy's bag at his feet!

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