Tuesday, March 24, 2009

It's Official: Red Meat Kills

Em and I are experimenting with going vegetarian... and in the process are doing a detox diet consisting of lemon juice, maple syrup, water and a dash of cayenne - for 10 days(!).

Now, I'm all up for a challenge, but I'm also the guy who likes his meat rare, soft and juicy. Tofu just doesn't come close. So boy am I missing a hamburger right now!

Yet after reading this article, where daily consumption of red meat increases my chances of dying in the next 10 years by 30%, I have some questions to share:

- Will mortality keep me from these red, delicious juices?
- What's life without the pleasure of enjoying it?
- Can I enjoy life without meat?
- Can my habits and tastes and desires change?

A part of me hopes I can ditch red meat, live longer and enjoy other foods... and another part of me mourns the red-juicy-ness I'd be losing.

I suppose only time will tell if my desires for red meat will be satisfied or denied... and another desire takes its place.

Mmmm... now back to my lemony-juicy-syrup.


presbybug said...

okay mister, who came up with that detox syrup recipe? it's borderline crazy, so you should go hang out with Troon at the Goodearth and eat weird things together.
BUT the cute little calfs who don't have to die for your detox diet thank you!

mcgomr7 said...

wish i'd known about your blog before, bro.. guess i don't pay attention. this is definitely handy for when people say negative things to me about vegetarianism..